Prof. Raven's publications (many of which are available to view, download or order via ) include:
However some of his key works are:
Uses and Abuses of Intelligence: Studies Advancing Spearman and Raven's Quest for Non Arbitrary Metrics: Co-edited with his wife, this book brings together chapters by some 27 international authors. So far as the Raven Progressive Matrices (a test measuring the ability to make meaning out of confusion) is concerned, these show (i) that "general cognitive ability" is as "real" as "high jumping ability" and measurable in the same way; (ii) that only tests which have such properties can be used to measure change in any meaningful way - and thus that most studies purporting to demonstrate eg differential effects of educational enrichment programmes on the 'more' and 'less' able are invalid; (iii) that there has been an enormous increase in scores on tests measuring meaning-making ability over the generations with the result that we now have the highest levels of individual intelligence but the lowest levels of collective intelligence in human history; but (iv) that most practical uses of such tests are highly unethical in that they (a) fail to encourage the development and deployment of most people's talents, (b) contribute to studies which, while purporting to yield evidence supporting "evidence based practice" fail to document the most important outcomes of intervention programmes in education and health care, and (c) contribute to the legitimation of a divided society which compels most people, against their will, to participate in the highly unethical activities of which modern society is so largely composed thus heading our species, at an exponentially increasing rate, toward its extinction. Other chapters contribute to the development of a theoretical framework which would allow the problems just mentioned to be ameliorated.
Competence in the Learning Society: Co-edited with John Stephenson, this book contains chapters by some 20 authors who have carried out research in what might be called the McClelland competency tradition, but extends the discussion to review the competencies required to bring about the societal changes that are required if we are to bring about the changes that are required if our species is to survive.
The New Wealth of Nations: A New Enquiry into the Nature and Origins of the Wealth of Nations and the Societal Learning Arrangements Required for Sustainability. This has been described as "The most important book since Smith's Wealth of Nations and possibly since Aristotle laid the foundations for our current understandings of democracy".
The Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Tests. This is jointly authored with John Court and others. It comprises 10 sections and is continuously up-dated. Please click the link to find a listing of these materials.
Education Values and Society. This has been described as "the most important book ever written on education".
Competence in Modern Society. This brings together his research on competence and the links between the educational system and society - including the economic and social development of societies.
Managing Education for Effective Schooling: The Most Important Problem is to Come to Terms with Values. This book presents a succinct summary of Prof. Raven's research into the goals of education, their achievement, the unsuspected barriers to their achievement, and the, often surprising, steps which need to be taken to overcome those barriers.
Parents, Teachers and Children: A Study of an Educational Home Visiting Scheme. The educational home visiting scheme concerned was an adult education program designed to influence mothers' parenting behaviours.As a result, the book deals with the development of a much wider range of personal characteristics than is found in most texts on developmental psychology.
Opening the Primary Classroom. This was a study of schools' use of the environment to foster high-level competencies.
The Tragic Illusion: Educational Testing. This discusses the problems inherent in current forms of educational assessment and outlines the developments that are needed.